Indian Society of Atomic and Molecular Physics
ISAMP (Web) Colloquium (2020)

Event details
Title : DESIREE: An experimental facility for studies of atomic and molecular ions and their interactions
Prof. Henning Schmidt
Stockholm University, Sweden
18 December 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Title : Main aspects of continuum distorted wave models and their applications to describe ion-biological matter collisions
Prof. Roberto Rivarola
Instituto de Física de Rosario, Argentina
11 December 2020 (Friday) @ 17:00 hrs IST
Title : Color tuning and excited-state lifetimes of retinal chromophores
Prof. Lars Henrik Andersen
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Aarhus University, Denmark
04 December 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Title : Heavy Ion collisions with molecules: Recent advancements (See it on YouTube)
Prof. Lokesh C. Tribedi
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
06 November 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Title : Electron Impact Ionization of Atoms, Molecules and Small Clusters (See it on YouTube)
Prof. Alexander Dorn
Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany
23 October 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Title : What are the basic principles that unite various atomic and molecular processes? (See it on YouTube)
Prof. Toshiyuki Azuma
Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics Lab., RIKEN, JAPAN
09 October 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Title : From Ultrafast to Ultraslow Gas Phase Molecular Dynamics (See it on YouTube)
Dr. Oded Heber
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel
18 September 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Title : The Missing Link in the Antipodal Spin-Statistics Connection of Bosons and Fermions (See it on Youtube)
Prof. C. S. Unnikrishnan
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
04 September 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Title : A Novel Spectrometer for Observing the Solar Wind (See it on YouTube)
Prof. Bhas Bapat
Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune
21 August 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Taming superpositions through weak perturbation – a novel approach to control the flow of light (See it on YouTube)
Prof. Harshawardhan Wanare
Dept. of Physics & Centre for Lasers and Photonics, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, Kanpur
07 August 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Staying neutral after extreme provocation: a story in intense laser science (See it on YouTube)
Prof. M. Krishnamurthy
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai
TIFR Center for Interdisciplinary Sciences, Hyderabad
24th July 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Linking the international system of units to fundamental constants (See it on YouTube)
Prof. Joachim Ullrich
Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
10th July 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Low energy electrons - fundamental studies and their applications (See it on YouTube)
Prof. Nigel Mason
University of Kent, Canterbury, UK
26th June 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Symmetry breaking in electron attachment (See it on YouTube)
Prof. E. Krishnakumar
Raman Research Institute, Bengaluru
19th June 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST
Time and time delay in atomic dynamics (See it on YouTube)
Prof. P. C. Deshmukh
Indian Institute of Technology Tirupati
12th June 2020 (Friday) @ 16:00 hrs IST